Friday 13 June 2014

Dear Abba,

Is it possible to feel this much joy and feeling of appreciation that is cruising through my spirit today. Well my answer is yes!! It is overwhelmingly powerful and energizing  that I am on the verge of tears to my Father. Every time I have felt this way, I have come to recognize it as a prompting to pray and  a window of opportunity to be still & speak to Abba.
But today I am not making it about me, rather I am believing for the people of my world. I pray in Jesus name that they experience the Grace of God, His Mercy, out-pour of Love & develop an intimate relationship with Him. When life knocks them hard, they know that God is available & on hand.
For somebody today, God is waiting, He sees you, He knows you, He understand the deepest desires of your heart, He knows that thing that bothers & weights your spirit down. You qualify to be seen in His presence, please He is asking you to bring your request to Him. Abba wants you to know that you can lean on Him as much as you can, He doesn't get tired of you or your worries, just keep coming back.
Many times, He is right in front of us and we look past him because you & I don't trust Him enough to handle what we carry within. *sigh* If you know what I am receiving and learning from my journey with him, then you will get this. I am hurting for you, I mean could you imagine Our Lord's pain when we constantly reject Him over and over again, He died for You to have life, for You to approach the Father and enjoy the companionship of the Holy Spirit!!!
Lord, I pray for the people of my world today, for the people I am connected too, doing life with to encounter & receive your message in Jesus Name. Be our bread of life, living water that never runs dry and supplement our needs in this life with all of You.
Beautiful, Beloved, Believed In.........

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for been an inspiration.


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Beautiful Beloved Believed In xxx